Join me from October 24th to 27th, precisely timed for the end of the daylight-saving weekend, for a transformative autumn yoga retreat at the picturesque NONNA Hof in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

As winter approaches and the days grow shorter, this retreat offers a serene space to transition from the vibrant energy of summer to the tranquility of winter with acceptance and peace. The beautiful NONNA Hof near the Baltic Sea is the perfect place to reflect, recharge, and realign with nature’s cycles, finding harmony within ourselves.

During this soul-nurturing retreat, you'll practice vinyasa yoga, meditation, breathwork, yin yoga, and more, all designed to ease your transition into the colder months. These practices will help you cultivate mindfulness, inner strength, and gratitude for the changing seasons. You'll also have time to explore nature, read, journal, be creative, and enjoy the sauna while connecting with like-minded individuals.

Nourish your body with delicious plant-based cuisine, lovingly crafted by the talented Ria. Each meal will celebrate the season's bountiful harvest, offering sumptuous flavors of nourishing dishes, prepared with care and mindfulness. Ria is a cook and world traveler at heart. Cooking and baking are her form of meditation and traveling is her passion. Ria’s travels inspire her cooking which she shares wholeheartedly with participants at various retreats, trainings, and events around the world.

As you bid farewell to summer and prepare for winter, this autumn retreat invites you to slow down, reconnect with your inner wisdom, and find solace in nature's rhythm. Embrace the transformative power of acceptance and leave with a sense of inner peace, ready to welcome winter with newfound grace and serenity.


NONNA Hof is located in the quaint village of Wietstock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, about two hours from Berlin. The 420-square-meter house features bright, light-filled rooms, old wooden beams, and cozy wooden floors. It encompasses 20,600 square meters of natural grounds with fruit trees, berry bushes, and meadows filled with medicinal herbs. The heart of NONNA is a 90-square-meter living and dining area with an open kitchen and a large dining table overlooking the grounds. A wood-burning stove adds warmth during colder months. The upper floor has five bedrooms with hotel-quality bed linen and cotton towels.
A 50-square-meter yoga room with a wood-burning stove offers views of the garden and surrounding countryside. The property also includes a sauna room and a photovoltaic system. You may spot deer or storks on the grounds, with only the sounds of nature, such as owl calls at night and the crowing of a neighboring rooster at sunrise, breaking the tranquility.
Dorfstraße 38 | 17379 Altwigshagen, OT Wietstock


  • 6x Yoga sessions: Vinyasa, Yin and more (12+hrs)

  • 3x Pranayama & meditation

  • 3x Nights stay (double and triple-occupancy rooms)

  • Letting go ceremony

  • Opening and closing sharing circle

  • Brunch, dinner, and afternoon snacks

  • Tea, coffee, beverages (non-alcoholic)

  • Sauna

  • 1 Extra hour of sleep (Sat-Sun) due to the end of daylight savings


  • Nature walks

  • Reading

  • Journaling

  • Mingling

  • Sleeping

  • Drawing/crafting/knitting/embroidery

  • Digital detox

  • Singing/chanting

  • Day of silence (optional + TBD)

THE PLAN (subject to minor adjustments)

Thursday: Arrival around 17:00 (if possible)
18:00 – 19:50 Opening circle + slow flow yoga practice
20:00 Dinner
After dinner: mingle, sauna, read, sleep, etc.

Friday + Saturday
8:30 – 11:00 Morning practice: Vinyasa yoga, breathwork + meditation
11:00 Brunch
14:00 Optional group activity
15:00 / 16:00 Afternoon snack
17:00 Nourishing evening Yin yoga practice
19:00 Dinner
After dinner: mingle, sauna, read, etc., sound bath.

Sunday: Departure (check out by 11:00)
8:00 – 9:30 Morning practice, meditation + closing circle
9:30 – Brunch
11:00 – Packing + group photos
12:00 – Departure


3x Double-occupancy bedrooms SOLD OUT!!!
2x triple/quadruple-occupancy bedrooms


If you would like to have a single room,
please get in touch with me.
Early bird registration is available until July 31st.
Let me know if you would like to come but are strapped financially. Rate payments are available upon agreement.

12+ hr Yoga program + optional group activities,
2 Delicious plant-based meals per day (brunch + dinner & dessert) + afternoon snacks / Kaffee + Kuchen
3 Nights’ stay + sauna
Yoga mats & props are available on location


All the available slots are currently booked, however, please join the waiting list below and you will be informed as soon as a spot frees up.
You will also be informed as soon as there are additional/future retreats planned.


Please transfer the full amount within 10 days of the registration to the following account:

Name: Karolina Faber
IBAN DE83 1001 1001 2627 3955 13
Verwendungszweck: AUTUMN RETREAT 2024

You may also pay via PayPal:
***IMPORTANT*** select the “Family & Friends” option, NOT Services
Please also add “AUTUMN RETREAT 2024” in the message
PayPal Link
Or if you prefer to pay cash, please let me know.


  • Upon receipt of the payment, your spot is reserved on a “first come, first served” basis.

    • 100% refund will only be possible if you cancel up to 90 days before the retreat (until July 26th) and provide a person to replace you.
    • Cancel up to 90 days before the retreat without a replacement, you will receive 90% of the fee back.
    • Cancel before August 25th (60 days before the retreat) you will receive 80% of your money back.
    • Cancel before September 24th (30 days before the retreat) you will receive 50% of your money back.
    • Cancel 29-14 days before the retreat, you will receive 30% of your money back.
    • Cancellation within 13-2 days of the retreat will refund you 10% of the fee. Less than 2 days’ cancellations will result in 0 money back.

    • If by August 21th the minimum amount of participants (10) have not signed up, the retreat might be canceled, in which case, you would get your money back.
    • In case of Corona or other illnesses that would prevent the organizer from facilitating the retreat, the organizer would first try to find a replacement facilitator. If not found, the retreat will be canceled. You will be informed asap, should that be the case.

    • As your yoga instructor and retreat organizer, I accept the responsibility for ensuring that the retreat is supplied as described.
    • Yoga classes are undertaken at your own risk.
    • The organizer is not liable for any medical or psychiatric conditions, which may develop during or after the retreat.
    • The organizer is not liable for loss of, or damage to, your personal property.

    •. If you have a problem during your retreat, please inform the organizer immediately and they will endeavor to put things right. Please note that the organizer cannot be responsible for the individual behavior of any group member or other guest sharing your accommodation.

    •. I, Koko, and the involved parties do not share customer details with any 3rd parties. Any personal information that you provide to us will be used only for the service you requested.

    •. The organizer, cook, and other participants may or may not be taking photos of the retreat for future self-promotional purposes. If you prefer not to be in any of the photos, please inform the organizer and any parties taking photos. Otherwise, photos taken might be used on promotional materials on the web such as social media, websites, and printed materials such as flyers.


The weekend was perfect. The place, the food, the exercises and the thought you put into it were all very warming and beautiful. The balance between activity and leisure was just right, I wouldn't change a thing :)

The Yin Yoga session was magic. Would have been nice if there was more of it! (There will be more yin this year!)

Great holistic experience.

I should go to more Yoga retreats. Before I didn't want to spend so much money on a couple of days but it was so worth it.

Everything was lovely. Yoga, extra activities, the food, the location.

Great people!! And I loved the atmosphere and the smell of the yoga room and the massages and oils. There was also a very „generous“ and giving atmosphere in the air.

Koko has great taste in music and is an all-around lovely person ;) Thank you so much for your openness, guidance and humor!

Not matter how much you practice yoga, you can really get along and enjoy.

It was all in all a wonderful experience on so many levels.